Saturday, August 22, 2009

To be A Succesful Small Business

Owning and maintaining a very successful small business can have its challenges but if you know what you are doing, everything can really work out great for you. There are many helpful tips that you should learn, if you are the owner of a small business and then by learning about these tips you should have the ability to have a very secure and profitable future. Knowing how to operate a small business properly will give you and your employees much relief in knowing that their positions are stable and secured. Your employees will be much happier, as will you, if you do all of the right things and play your cards right. In this article I am hoping to teach you a little bit more about managing a small business so that you will be a success. Having a small business definitely has its own advantages and some of those will be included throughout this article.

It is very important for you to learn more about what it takes to run a small business successfully so that if you or someone you know becomes interested in opening your own small business, you will be much more knowledgeable about all aspects of it. Another great thing about owning your own small business is that usually this means you will for sure have many more awesome customers that will tell others about it and continue coming back themselves. You will have a reputation for owning and managing a very reputable, friendly and affordable, yet small business. A small business would typically go over very well because there will be enough customers to continue keeping you with plenty of customers and when people are on vacation in your area, they too have probably already heard about your small business and many of them will choose to come into your small business and will be quite pleased by the friendly employees and the great prices. Check out the other small businesses in your area to see what it is they are doing to draw in more new customers, do not copy them but definitely kind of take a few little suggestions and ideas from watching others with more experience.

Advertising is something that most businesses do, which you as a small business owner will as well at some point in time, however, even without the professional advertising, your small business will still be successful due to all of your loyal customers that absolutely adore coming into your wonderful store. All it takes to have a very successful small business is friendliness, determination, customers that count on you and a good knowledge about business management will always make for a better chance at success. A small business could typically go over very successfully, as long as you first do some homework over managing your own business, as well as talking with other small business owners because the more experienced people could really provide you with a great deal of helpful information and some tips that can almost guarantee your small businesses success and longevity.


Friday, August 21, 2009

To be an Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating or seizing an opportunity, and pursuing it regardless of the resources currently controlled. The American Heritage Dictionary defines an entrepreneur to be “a person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for business ventures.
These are rather abstract concepts for a person just beginning to consider whether they ought to start a business rather than take a job, or leave a secure job for a chance at greater self-fulfillment. Let us try to refine our understanding of entrepreneurship by asking some more specific questions.
Is everyone who runs a business an entrepreneur? Many would not consider the newspaper carrier, shoeshine person, and grass cutter entrepreneurs, though these are often the youthful pursuits of those with an entrepreneurial bent.
Does it matter whether the business is merely part-time? Whereas some part-time activities are basically hobbies, or undertaken to supplement income, some entrepreneurial ventures can be tested in the marketplace on a part-time basis.
The path to an entrepreneurial venture might begin by earning a salary in the business one expects to enter, while learning more about it, and waiting for the opportune time to go out on one's own. This time can be used to develop a support network, professional and personal, and generating ideas to “bounce off” people whose opinion one respects.
At what scope does self-employment become a venture? The primary objective of many self-employed people is merely to employ themselves (and others if necessary) at a moderate to good salary; some are even willing to eke out a living to do what they enjoy. This approach is often referred to as a “lifestyle” business, and is generally accompanied by little, if any, plan for growth.
These questions are intended, not to develop a precise definition of entrepreneurship, but to help us understand our attitude toward its many forms of expression. We may each answer these questions differently, yet all answer appropriately within our own frame of reference.
Entrepreneurship is more an attitude than a skill or a profession. Some of us may prefer a corporate or public service career path, but many would choose an entrepreneurial opportunity that “feels right.”
Would you consider a person who inherits a business an entrepreneur? From the point of inheritance on, it is their own money and financial security at risk. They could possibly sell the business, invest the proceeds in blue-chip stocks, and live off dividends. Some might consider managing a personal stock portfolio for a living as an entrepreneurial venture.
Would a person who inherited a small or marginal business, then took it to new dimensions be considered an entrepreneur? The inheritor could have tried merely to keep it going, or even to pace the business’ decline to just carry them to retirement. In a family-held business, long-term success is often a central goal.
Are franchise owners entrepreneurs? Many feel that, for those who have access to the large up-front investment, franchises are sure things. For many, operating a franchise is similar to investing in “blue chips,” a relatively sure thing with generally unexciting returns.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Setting Up Your Bluetooth Network

If you are unfamiliar with the term Personal Area Network, it simply refers to your computer and the devices it is connected to. Normally, this could include devices like a PDA, a cell phone, a digital camera, and maybe a scanner and a printer if you are not connected to a larger network. Your keyboard and your mouse are also on your PAN. Basically, it is everything in and around your desk that you connect to your computer.

Add to this the fact that you may need to add a USB hub into the equation and you are looking at a pretty messy workspace. In fact, it will probably look like a spaghetti junction of wires and cables by the time you get everything connected.

So, if it is all getting too much for you it may be time to think about setting up a Bluetooth Personal Area Network. For a little extra you can buy the equipment you need so that your workspace is completely free of wires and your peripherals connect easily with your computer and with each other without the need to plug anything in.

If you are setting up a Personal Area Network from scratch you may want to set up a fully Bluetooth-enabled workspace. If you already have a workspace, you probably just want to introduce Bluetooth devices as and when they are needed.

Either way, the first thing you need is a computer with Bluetooth capabilities. By now, most new computers will come with built in Bluetooth so make sure of this if you are buying new. If you have an older computer you may have to invest in a Bluetooth dongle.

Now that you have a Bluetooth-enabled computer, you can start to think about what Bluetooth peripherals you will want to use on your Personal Area Network.

Keyboard and mouse

The two essentials of any Personal Area Network. Without these you won't be getting too much done. These will be permanent fixtures on your desk so Bluetooth options mainly offer the advantage of reducing clutter by cutting out cables.

If you spend a lot of time on the road these are an excellent option as they can allow you to work quickly and easily on your PDA. You can also get Bluetooth folding keyboards to take with you on the road.

Cell phones and PDAs

For many people, this is where a Bluetooth Personal Area Network will really come into its own. If you work out of the office a lot you will gather contacts, arrange meetings and gather other data on the go. If your network is Bluetooth enabled, you can synch your cell phone or PDA with your computer so that you can update your calendar and address book at the touch of a button, or even automatically. These are just some basic capabilities. New technologies such as the iPhone are taking this to a much higher level.


A Bluetooth headset is almost an essential these days, especially if you spend a lot of time in the car. Simply hook it up to your cell phone to keep your hands free. This is also handy if you use VoIP at the office or at home as you can take and make calls and still wander around the room freely.

Other peripherals

There are any number of other gadgets and peripherals you can add to your Bluetooth network. You may want to check out a Bluetooth MP3 player or camera. Although bear in mind that transfer speeds remain limited so you could be waiting a long time for high resolution photos to transfer from one device to another. However, this is improving.

There are also plenty of weird and wonderful Bluetooth peripherals for you gadget fans. For example, you can get a Bluetooth watch that tells you about incoming calls on your mobile phone when it's out of reach. Hardly essential, but kind of cool all the same.

So, whether you want to boost your productivity and improve your working environment, or you just want to play with some fun gadgets, Bluetooth is the way to go.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Kids and their Money

Children have vast amounts of purchasing power (billions) either directly or indirectly. Yet, even with all this influence and direct purchasing power, children are rarely taught about money and more importantly the managing of money. I for one used to be as guilty as the next parent when it came to making it a point to teach my kids about money and money management skills.

Of course, the generation gap combined with the technology age in which kids now live in had a big part in my lack of focus on this subject. But no more. If for no other reason, you should think for a moment how money is so rapidly transferred today; with just the swipe of a card. And in fact, many people (parents) today hardly ever come in contact with actual paper money anymore.

It’s so easy to load up your shopping basket with just the swipe of card and there in lies the trouble for kids and managing their money today. It’s just too easy and there’s no immediate pain of actually taking those hard earned dollars out of your little purse or wallet and parting company with your money at the time of the purchase.

First of all, don’t put off teaching your kids about money, the value of it, and how to manage it. It’s never too early, especially today.

When you first begin to acquaint your children with money, be prepared for mistakes and some growing pains understanding conceptually. It is far better to allow your children to learn from mistakes involving small amounts rather than later in life when the same mistakes can prove financially disastrous. In fact, many financial experts agree that a big mistake is for parents not to allow their children to have control over their money early on.

As with teaching children about any subject matter there general guidelines about the level of complexity that is introduced at any particular age; teaching your kids about money management is certainly no exception. So, let’s take a look at some general teaching guidelines pertaining to money management and at what age level.

Even early on with toddlers and preschoolers you can give your child an allowance. Now keep in mind that they will probably play with it, misplace it, and maybe even lose it, but that’s perfectly fine. At this age, it is merely introducing the concept that their little bit of money has value and should be kept safe so it will be around when they want to use it.

With the ease and power given to today’s consumer, it is difficult to get adults to understand and have the discipline to save for something they want or need to purchase. But even at an age as early as about first grade you should begin to take on this challenge with your child. So much of today is instant gratification. And no philosophy will be tougher for you to overcome with your children and money management as this. Delayed gratification or saving for something they want is a very difficult concept to teach kids and for kids to master, but it is one of the most important when it comes to managing their money.

Be sure to continue on with working with your children and the delayed gratification concept. In other words, teach them the principle of working and saving for something that they want to get. You’ll find (and they will too) that as they learn this lesson, whatever it is they worked, waited, and saved for will have much greater value to them personally.

The next level you’ll want to discuss with and teach you kids are the difference between needs and wants. This is ever so important today in this media, marketing, and consumption society in which we live and our kids are hammered with daily. You won’t have to look far for examples of needs versus wants… just turn on the television and wait for and advertisement.

Talk with your kids and discuss what it is the advertisement is going after them for and why. This is a very big money management accomplishment for kids when they begin to honestly differentiate between needs and wants.

It’s also at this point (early to mid grade school) that your kids begin establish some sort of savings plan for something they would like to have (notice I didn’t use ‘want’). The whole process of budgeting and saving for something at this age will give your kids a great sense of accomplishment, pride, and a first start toward financial confidence. Also, at this age with your kids introduced to saving and budgeting, it is a good time to introduce them to paying for some of the extras that they would like to have for school, sports, band, etc… and for beginning charitable contribution.

From here continue increasing your kids understanding of budgeting and managing their money by weaning them off of you providing the lion’s share of their ‘wants’ to them working, budgeting, and saving. Simply increase their financial responsibility to themselves, keep increasing their social responsibility too by giving to charities of yours and their choice.

As your kids progress to their teen years and become more mature, the time will come that you may want to consider getting your child some form of credit card. By this time in their life they’ll be considering college or some career path that will quite possibly require some sort of financial loan; and at the very least they will be needing even more financial freedom.

A prepaid, parent monitored credit card is an initial good solution. By now and through these many years of your tutelage, your child has become financially literate and it’s all because you started early on teaching your child solid money management skills and philosophies.

Kids today are bombarded with advertising, and keep up peer pressure; and this is why money management and financial skills are must subject matter for parents to continually cover with their kids throughout their childhood and teen years. If your kids become financially responsible at an early age, chances are much greater they will continue throughout their lifetime.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Do you know Wireless?

Wireless systems have increasingly become the inseparable ingredients of our lives in the last century because of their instant installation capabilities in addition to obviously cutting mammoth amounts of capital and time that was otherwise being wasted in erection and installation & commissioning. But how big and expanded is the wireless systems industry? And how much they touch our lives? And if I am not stretching things too far, are we being controlled by wireless systems? Well, let’s take a critical look at these issues which concerns us all.

Wireless Systems and Communication.

Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of electrical conductors or "wires". The distances involved may be short (a few meters as in television remote control) or long (thousands or millions of kilometers for radio communications). When the context is clear, the term is often shortened to "wireless". Wireless communication is generally considered to be a branch of telecommunications.

Ever since Graham Bell and Marconi invented telephone and radio respectively, life has never been the same. Although they didn’t revolutionaries things instantaneously they sure caused a ruffle thus signaling what was on the way. Today, without wireless systems communications would grind to a halt. Satellites become dud flying objects of little use if we don’t ‘connect’ through wireless for billions of gigabytes of data transfer every hour.

Consumer Wireless Equipments

At the bottom, we have wireless toys which are the rage with children. But the most common wireless system everyone is familiar is cell phone without which most of us can conduct our lives the way we need to. Cell phones have rapidly expanded to exit the wired phones in a matter of a few years. Even the basic phones are going wireless with the advent of CDMA technology. The 3G cell phones can transmit up to 2MBPS of data.

Mobile phones reached their zenith of glory when Motorola introduced satellite phones (Iridium) which didn’t even require wireless network but worked with satellites directly.

Connectivity is just notional; look at what broadband has done to wireless systems. Internet no more needs ‘wired connectivity’ as there is wireless broadband service. IPOD has made world collapse into our pockets. What we imagined till the other year, that wireless systems made useful wireless microphones, was turned upside down by one small pocket gadget called IPOD.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Easy work From Home

Worthy efforts in offering great energy towards the completion of a challenging task and finding success through tenacity and intelligence and ultimately reaping that sense of accomplishment as well as the additional skills, abilities and experience that were acquired while overcoming difficult obstacles be damned. Today is all about easy. And what kind of benefits can one derive from easy? Let’s just put it this way; it’ll be nothing to brag to your psychiatrist about, but your accountant will be jealous. That’s right forget about all that fluff science, psycho babble that tries to talk one into the value of feelings of accomplishment, acquired knowledge, self awareness and the like. In today’s world the only true value has dollar sign in front of it. So, initially you need to get that notion through your thick skull that says you want do something where you feel proud to tell others what you do. So, first stop that. Then start focusing on easy…and financially rewarding.

Easy work from home ideas are plentiful. You simply need to know what tickles your fancy and then put that idea right out of your mind, because we’re not here to have fun, we’re here to make money. Easily and once we take our easy work from home ideas and translate them into sweet, sweet cash in just a moments time, we retire. Then you can think about fun.

And while you’re swinging in your hammock, sipping the most luscious nectar from the gods, watching the days pass lazily and lighting Cubans with dollar bills there’s one more thing that you can do to enhance the pleasure. Think about all those fools with their silly misplaced and misguided condescension at your home business still churning out thankless reports and products for some faceless despot while thoughts of downsizing dance through their heads. Think about that, move the little umbrella, take a sip and give thanks to easy work from home ideas and the cash, not the pride, they give you.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Tips to Get Cheap Car Insurance Premiums

Car insurance is compulsory, but it's not necessary to pay more than you have to. A few simple steps combined with some time surfing for competitive car insurance rates really can save you serious money at renewal time.

1. Cut the Risk and Cut the Cost
The easiest way to cut your car insurance premiums is to cut the risk and accept a higher voluntary excess. For example, An insurer's standard excess may be £100 but if you meet the first £250 of any claim, you'll see a reduction in your premium. This is because you're taking on more of the risk so you get a discount. But it's a gamble, be aware that you might have to meet the cost of a broken window after an attempted theft or a bill for repairing bodywork damage after a car park crunch.

2. Security Means Savings
Fitting security devices can also result in cheap car insurance premiums. All major insurers insist on Thatch am rated security equipment, usually a minimum of an alarm. If you live in a high-risk area for car crime, it makes sense to fit extra security. It saves you money when your insurance renewal is due and gives you extra peace of mind.

3. Annual Mileage, Less Means More in Your Pocket
If your annual mileage is, 5,000 miles or less, ask insurers if they offer discounts for agreed mileage restrictions.

4. Named Drivers Trick
Adding a named driver to your policy can increase or reduce your premiums depending upon the named drivers age, sex and driving record. Adding a young driver will increase your premiums, particularly with a limited or poor driving record. However, adding a driver over 30 years old with a long and clean driving record can cut premiums, particularly if the named driver is female!

5. Shop Around and Save Even More
The biggest car insurance savings come from shopping around. There can be massive differences between the lowest and highest car insurance quotes for exactly the same car and driver(s). Start off using good comparative online quotation sites, take their best quotes and go direct to the cheapest car insurance company for more specific quotes.

So next time your renewal quote arrives, don't just accept it and give your money away to the insurance company. Use the steps above and get the right cover at the right price.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Bluetooth, what is that? What this means is that teeth have a blue color?
Bluetooth now we often use the mobile phone, computer, PDA.
Below is a review of Bluetooth, which is taken from various sources.

Bluetooth is a specification for industrial personal area network (personal area networks, or PAN) without cable. Bluetooth connects and can be used to make exchange of information between equipment. Spesifiksi of Bluetooth devices is developed and distributed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. Bluetooth operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency band using a frequency hopping traceiver is capable of providing service data and voice communication in real-time between bluetooth host-host with the distance terbatas.Kelemahan this technology is a short range and ability to transfer data to a low.

The name "Bluetooth" is derived from the name of the king at the end of the tenth century, Harald Blatand that in the UK also called Harald Bluetooth because of the possibility that dark-colored teeth. He is the king of Denmark who have succeeded to unite the tribes before the battle, including the tribe's territory that is now called Norway, and Sweden. Even Scania region in Sweden, where bluetooth technology is also found, including local authority. Ability as a unifier king was also similar to the bluetooth technology, now that you can connect a variety of equipment such as personal computers and mobile phones. [1]
While the bluetooth logo comes from the fusion of the two-letter German analog with the letter
ÚH and B (short for Harald Bluetooth), namely (Hagall) and (Berkanan), which later merged.
Start from the beginning as Bluetooth is a wireless communication technology (without cable) that operate in the frequency band 2.4 GHz unlicensed ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) using a frequency hopping tranceiver is capable of providing service data and voice communication in real-time between bluetooth host-host with the distance range of services that is limited (about 10 meters). A Bluetooth card that uses radio frequency standard IEEE 802.11 with a limited distance services and data transfer capability is lower than the card for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN).
The establishment of Bluetooth was started by 5 large companies Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba established a Special Interest Group (SIG), which launched this project. In July 1999 a document bluetooth specification version 1.0 was launched start. In December 1999 started making the document more bluetooth specification version 2.0 with additional 4 new promoter that is 3COM, Lucent Technologies, Microsoft and Motorola. Currently, more than 1800 companies in various fields to join the consortium as a technology adopter bluetooth.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Let Decorating Be Easy and Fun

One of the first things to keep in mind about decorating is why you are doing it. I think too many people get stressed or frustrated with decorating because they forget the importance of what they are doing. Decorating is an amazing thing because you are making the space you live in more beautiful for example starting from table covers. What can be more important and more fun that figuring out ways to make the most of your space? We have all felt the difference of entering a home that has been decorated well verses a home that has not been decorated at all.

Another great thing about decorating is that it allows you to learn who you are and the things you like and then show it off to others. I love entering the homes of friends for the first time because I learn so much about my friends just by seeing the place they choose table top display. I get a sense of what they value and of the small things that make them uniquely who they are.

Take your time decorating. Don't allow yourself to be rushed or to be on a strict deadline. You will have much more fun and end up with a space you love if you take your time with sit on directors chairs. Sift through magazines, photographs and catalogs trade show exhibits for weeks if you have to just to gain good ideas for your own home. Learn from the mistakes and victories of your friends and families as you see their homes. Especially when you are making big decisions like what color to paint your wall or what kind of furniture to buy, taking your time will make all the difference.


Flash Drive

Flash Drive is a word that we often hear. Flash drives or Flash Disk or USB Flash Drive are often used to store data such as pictures or text.
What is Flash drive?
Flash drive is a tool that has a data storage tool that is integrated USB connector. Flash drives are usually small, lightweight, and can be written and read easily. USB flash drives have many advantages compared to other data storage equipment, particularly floppy disks or compact disc. The tool is faster, smaller, with greater capacity and more reliable (because it has no moving parts) than floppy disks.

Use Flash Drive for data storage, is very practical. Flash drives can be brought to go everywhere, because the form of a small flash drive with a capacity greater than the diskette. In addition, flash drives are compatible with various types of computer.
From the various advantages described above, there was some deficiency that is sometimes we can lose the data stored in the flash drive. But don’t worry, because there are some companies that specialize in the repair of damage is a USB memory device. In the process of taking your data, companies can also improve your device. Types of problems they can fix the solders damaged, loose-fitting plugs, the connection is broken and internal. Some of the devices that they can improve is the USB port, USB stick, USB drive, USB thumb drives, and Flash memory devices. Companies that use the type called a jump drive recovery. They can restore any files from any type of USB drive or memory stick. Sometimes rich in the device will be damaged, but not fussy, there are several companies that can fix the problem too.

So the conclusion on the cable data recovery is only because that information seems to have been lost, does not mean that it will be lost forever. There are companies that can find and retrieve the data that is lost or damaged USB devices removed. In the process of searching for data, the problems that cause data to go missing in the first place will be determined. This is useful because it insures that will not happen again. There are programs out there that can help you take your own data, but this problem may be bigger than you, so you should always seek professional help. There may be a problem in the device that prevents your device does not work correctly.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Laptops are gaining in popularity these days. Almost everyone is carrying one now either for work or entertainment. The question is what different between laptop and desktop?

Laptop or notebook is the portable computer with the relatively small size and lightweight, the weight ranges from 1-6 kg, depending on the size, material, and the laptop specifications.

In the general function, laptop likes the desktop computers. The components of the laptop are exactly the same component on the desktop, just resize, made lighter, and resource power use battery or adapter A/C and can be used to recharge the battery. The screen of the laptops using LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) measuring 10 – 17 inches depending on the size of the Laptop. The keyboard and the mouse is integrated with the body of the laptop.

Laptops with the latest technology are introduced to the market everyday and these new laptops come with a huge price tag. However, that does not mean you cannot get a good and cheap laptop.

This a guide for you to hunt a cheap and good laptop.

Buy cheap laptop with older technology

Rapid advance in technology makes it meaningless to buy the latest technology at a high price. When laptop with wireless capability first came to the market, a unit with this technology can cost up till US$2500. Now after 2 years, you can get a relatively fast centrino laptop for less than US$1000

Buy used or refurbished laptop

The depreciation of a laptop value is so high, that after one year in the market, a laptop can easily lose half its value. So if you are looking for a cheap laptop, look for one which is close to one year old. Not all used laptop are in bad condition. You will be surprised to find that some used laptops are still in good condition because their owners are power users or gamers.

Buy laptop from power users or gamers

I like to buy electronic gadgets including laptops from hard core power users or gamers. Let me share with you why. Gamers or power users usually require the latest and most powerful technology to run their games or power hungry applications. They often will not settle for second best. They also have the tendency to chase after the latest technology. So after one year, they will be bored of what they have and will look to sell off their laptops so that they can buy a new one. Now if you are looking to buy cheap laptops with up to date technology and you happen to have friends who are gamers, do ask them if they are looking to sell off their laptops. Who knows, maybe you can buy a good and cheap laptop from them.

Search through local bulletin boards

Do search through local bulletin boards near you for cheap deals on laptop. Especially if there are software companies around the area. Software companies do offer their used computers or laptops for sale when their software projects end. I personally had gotten a few good deals for my family and friends.

Look for cheap laptop with at least 512mb memory

This is especially important for used laptop. If the processor speed is slow, then having more memory can compensate for the lack in speed. In fact, The size of memory plays a big part in determining how fast a laptop runs an application. Just by increasing the memory size, you can see a huge difference in speed. A cheap laptop with at least 512mb memory can run most non graphic intensive application easily.

Get cheap laptop from reputable manufacturer

This is very important because if you are buying used laptop, then the chances of requiring servicing is higher than a new laptop. So if you buy from a reputable manufacturer, you will save a lot of trouble and time if your laptop do require servicing.


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